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松本 和子 (まつもと かずこ)






言語学博士(Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Essex)2001年


  • (2014) Palauan English: history, status and linguistic characteristics. In Daniel Schreier, Peter Trudgill, Edgar W. Schneider and Jeffrey P. Williams (eds.), Further Lesser-Known Varieties of English. (Studies in English Language). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. (With David Britain).
  • (2013) 「パラオ日本語の語用論的変異と変化」. 岡村徹・ヤラペアアポイ(編) 『オセアニアの言語的世界』 渓水社. Pp. 220-262.
  • (2010) The role of social networks in the post-colonial multilingual island of Palau: Mechanisms of language maintenance and shift. Multilingua 29(2): 133-165.
  • (2010)「ミクロネシアの日本語」『日本語学』第29巻6号58-73頁, 明治書院.
  • (2006) Palau: Language situation. In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd edn.) 9: 129-130. Elsevier: Oxford. (With David Britain).
  • (2005) Language, communities, networks and practices. In Martin J. Ball (ed.), Clinical Sociolinguistics. (Language in Society 36). Pp3-14. Blackwell: Oxford. (With David Britain).
  • (2003) Language choice and cultural hegemony in the Western Pacific: Linguistic symbols of domination and resistance in the Republic of Palau. Dedaic, M., Nelson, D. (eds.), At War With Words. (Language, Power and Social Process 10). Pp315-357. Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin and New York. (With David Britain).
  • (2003) Investigating the sociolinguistic gender paradox in a multilingual community: A case study from the Republic of Palau. International Journal of Bilingualism 7(2): 127-152. (With David Britain).


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